When will the corruption end?
When will the corruption end?
A lebanese citizen sent the following story about their experience in the driver examination
I was not sure who to write to on this issue so I decided the best way is to send to you in the hope of making it reach the Interior Ministry. I was applying for my driver's license yesterday where a couple of things happened that were pretty illogical and I believe need follow up. I will try to state them in brief, but it will be a long comment, and I would be glad to report them in details if you show interest in the issue. The first thing happened at the offices where people learn how to drive and register for the exam. Apparently it is common for all the offices to ask applicants for an extra amount of money (depending on each office) that will guarantee that the applicant passes the exam. The approach is usually that if the applicant does not pay then the people in charge of the exam might fail him/her. It is needless to say that such extortion works well since all applicants are faced with the decision of either paying or failing. The second thing is the computer exam. Applicants were going in for a maximum of 5 minutes and going out. It turned out that there is someone inside doing the exam for them. The third thing is with the actual practical test where applicants were asked to drive the car a couple of meters to where they should sign and then go back without doing the actual "parking test". I'm reporting this whole issue before I receive my driver's license since it all happened with me, and since I discovered that my father felt it necessary to pay the "extorted amount" to the office in fear of failing me in the test, especially that I have been driving for a couple of years now. My decision to report this incident before I receive my license is to avoid the hypocrisy of profiting from the corruption of the system and then reporting it, even if the avoidance is to a very limited extent. My dilemma here is that I do not wish harm to anyone especially to the applicants, including myself, who in most cases were forced into this issue. Refusing to pay the amount, no matter how small it is, would mean failing the exam and having to repeat it and to go through the same procedure again. Even though this might not be very accurate and just "big talk" from the people asking for the "bribe" but it is not something that could be risked. Thank you.
Ziad Mikhael Akl
16 years agoBecause corruption leaders are still strong in Lebanon... and they share their profits with many political leaders.
Ziad Mikhael Akl
16 years ago