Kibarouna NGO organized its Summer Camp

For the fourth year in a row, Kibarouna NGO organized its Summer Camp, from September 13 till September 17, for the most disadvantaged group of elderly  in collaboration with the “Social  Development  center Burj Hamoud”, “ Rifak Al Darb”,” Caritas Antilias”, and “ Mat’am Al mahabi Sin El Fil”.

This amazing collaborative work enabled “Kibarouna” NGO to welcome 40 Elderly in the Monastery of Mar Yousif Ajaltoun in a loving and caring environment. Besides socializing and having fun, a main objective of the camp was to train the elderly in developing skills to look after their health, as a proactive measure.

This objective was achieved under the close supervision and mentorship of the Nursing School’s Interns from Saint Joseph University. The interns worked with a group of volunteers many of whom are members of “Kibarouna” NGO and others are from the community.  The elderly were engaged in hands on health care activities, such as physical exercises, memory games, nutrition awareness, and personal hygiene.

The Elderly especially enjoyed social games and entertainment by singing and dancing with their new friends from the camp.

The camp closure ceremony was very touching as the Elderly expressed their appreciation for “Kibarouna” NGO for giving them very happy moments to warm their lonely days.