Management Skills
Management skills fall into three categories the technical, human and conceptual skills.
Technical skills are the talent to use tools, techniques, and specialized knowledge to accomplish a certain work, procedure, or action. Much of the technology that industrial workers acquire, fall under this management skill.
Human skills are used in a way that encourages assembling positive inter/intrapersonal relationships leading toward better and more direct communications, resolving peoples’ relations issues, building acceptance of the staff toward each others, and conveying them that their organization depends on their attitude and professionalism towards themselves, work and clients.
Conceptual skills involve the skill to look at the organization as a whole and to resolve problems using approaches that benefit the organization as a whole. Analytical approaches and problem solving, creativity and perceptive abilities make up the conceptual.
A fact to be acknowledged, work performance, productivity and innovation are the most essential points toward success.
Management approaches differ from a firm to another, from a manager to another, from an employee to another; therefore the managerial approach depends on the manager’s skills and motivations as well as how the employees feel and look up to him.
It also relies on the employees’ commitment, dedication and passion to the organization as well as the mission and vision.
And finally management is a wide ocean where lives and feed millions of different employees and managers each in his own environment and situation where he excels in his own way and on his own terms.