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Quel est le meilleur matériau pour les real doll que vous puissiez choisir?

Les poupées sexuelles sont extrêmement bénéfiques lorsque vous êtes loin de votre partenaire. Cela aide totalement à susciter un sentiment qui vous encourage à pratiquer des performances sexuelles avec les poupées sexuelles qui satisferont tous vos désirs que vous attendiez depuis de nombreuses années. Le point fort est que vous pouvez faire tout ce qui vous vient à l’esprit. Vous pouvez même essayer différentes positions et tirer le meilleur parti des poupées sexuelles. Il sera certainement utile de vivre une expérience de quelque chose que vous avez longtemps admiré à découvrir. Informez-vous sur le meilleur matériel de poupée sexuelle.

Il existe différents types de

love doll

, telles que les poupées gonflables, les poupées sexuelles réalistes et les poupées en silicone.


Type de poupées que vous pouvez acheter en ligne:

Poupées gonflables - Ce sont des poupées gonflables très modestes qui sont en plastique. Ils peuvent pomper de l'air dans les vraies poupées pour les faire paraître pleines. Eh bien, ils ne sont même pas très réalistes et ne peuvent donc pas être sûrs de pouvoir satisfaire tous vos désirs, mais il est vrai qu'ils valent la peine d'être utilisés pour le supplément habituel. Cependant, vous devez utiliser un volume de liquide approprié pour ramollir les points d'injection. Si vous avez votre budget et que vous avez toujours envie de faire l'amour, c'est votre meilleur choix.


sexe doll

- Peut-être le produit le plus vendu sur le marché aujourd'hui. Le silicone est l’un des matériaux les plus populaires pour les poupées sexuelles. Le silicone ne coule pas comme TPE et est largement utilisé dans les greffes du sein. Ils offrent aux marionnettes un sentiment réaliste avec les plus belles caractéristiques. Ces poupées en silicone ont la taille, le poids et le physique. Elles ressemblent à une vraie femme et n’ont même pas l’air plastique. Ils sont un peu chers cependant. Donc, si vous voulez faire l'expérience d'une poupée sexuelle réaliste, vous devez acheter les poupées sexuelles, qui sont disponibles entre 1000 et 3000 dollars.


poupée japonaise



- Si vous souhaitez simplement acheter des poupées sexuelles robustes et réalistes, les poupées d'amour TPE sont l'option idéale suivante. Vous pouvez acheter une poupée sexuelle qui ressemble à toutes les vraies femmes et vous procure un merveilleux sentiment physique. Les entreprises les conçoivent avec le meilleur matériau polymère TPE sous forme de silicone. Ils sont le matériau très bon marché pour les poupées sexuelles qui est offert en ligne. TPE ne contient pas de phtalates et de latex, ce qui le rend absolument sans danger pour une utilisation intime. Tous les composants sont non toxiques et hypoallergéniques testés et approuvés. Vous pouvez maintenant faire l'expérience d'un sentiment incroyable qui vous fait sentir très à l'aise. Certaines des poupées TPE sont les plus flexibles, offrant la meilleure opportunité de pratiquer différentes positions et de profiter du temps ensemble.



Les vraies

dolls france

sont le traitement sexuellement satisfaisant d'hommes sexuels affamés


Au cours des dernières décennies, la façon dont les gens ont pensé et pensé au sexe a beaucoup changé. Le changement dont nous parlons est radicalement positif, car de nombreux orthodoxes parlent maintenant librement de leur désir sexuel.

Il y a aussi beaucoup de pays dans le monde où les vraies poupée silicone n'ont pas peur.

Particulièrement dans des pays comme le Japon, les gens raffolent des produits pour adultes, comme les marionnettes. Ils sont les plus grands admirateurs de la beauté et des caractéristiques de ces poupées sans vie. Il a incité les fabricants de poupées à toujours trouver une sélection intéressante de poupées à des prix raisonnables.


1 Répondre aux besoins sexuels de chaque groupe d'âge

Il y a fort à parier qu'une large gamme de poupées d'amour attire définitivement les yeux de tous les hommes du groupe d'âge, en espérant qu'ils ne sont pas seuls maintenant. On ne peut nier que les hommes de tous âges ont un sens du sexe similaire, seule la différence est leur force, leur capacité à durer longtemps. Cela ne signifie toutefois pas que le groupe d'âge ne peut pas avoir de relations sexuelles. Vous pouvez et allez le faire avec ces magnifiques

poupée chinoise



2. Alternative loyale aux hommes solitaires

Poupées de sexe

Le destin des hommes n’a pas seulement une fille de fantaisie, qu’ils appellent son amie. Cela signifie-t-il qu'un certain groupe d'hommes solitaires reste toujours seul et meurt en blâmant son mauvais sort? Non, cette culture ne continuera pas. Oubliez votre passé quand vous étiez tous seuls. Vous avez maintenant la possibilité pour les marionnettes de vivre leurs fantasmes sexuels et de susciter leur vie sexuelle dans une large mesure. Allez simplement en ligne, trouvez vos poupées sexuelles et commandez votre goût de

poupée tpe

. Le segment du monde en ligne a rendu l'achat de ces produits de sexualisation plus facile et plus confidentiel pour les hommes et les femmes.


3. Éternels trous profonds de poupées qui sont prêts à éveiller vos sentiments sexuels

Vous serez heureux de savoir qu’en plus de la nature sans vie, il ya toujours des ouvertures attrayantes dans le vagin de vraies poupées pour provoquer la plus forte

poupée homme

désirent. Vous tomberiez certainement dans leurs orifices lorsque vous les placiez sur le lit, ce qui vous encourage automatiquement à les taquiner avec votre sexe sexy en strip-tease.


C'est tout à fait compréhensible du point de vue d'un homme entouré de divers fantasmes sexuels, de ce qu'il traverse. Avec l'achat en ligne réussi de poupées sexuelles réalistes, vous en tomberez sûrement amoureux et vous ne regretterez jamais votre décision d'achat, c'est un pari.

sex doll

poupée sexuelle

Sexypuppe Zhang

Sexypuppe Zhang

Sie wählen den Spaß!
Das Beste an einer Sexpuppe ist, dass es wirklich alles an dir ist. Sie wählen, was Ihre Puppe zu bieten hat.
Willst du eine, die aussieht wie eine ehemalige Flamme? Oder vielleicht eine Berühmtheit? Oder vielleicht hast du einen persönlichen Knick für irgendeine Art von fiktiven Charakter und willst die Puppe so aussehen? Nun, du musst dir keine Sorgen machen, da du das und noch viel mehr durch die Verwendung einer Sexpuppe bekommen kannst. Es gibt so viele Anpassungen, von der Haarfarbe, den Augen, bis hin zum Build und wenn Sie eine Puppe mit großen Brüsten oder eine mit kleineren Brüsten und Hüften möchten. Sie können wählen, welche Art von Puppe Sie erhalten möchten.
Sie können sogar die Haut wählen. Wenn Sie eine mit einer realistischen Haut möchten, dann gehen Sie Silikon, aber wenn Sie wollen, dass Sie Ihre Puppe in viele Positionen leicht setzen können, dann wählen Sie TPE. Eine Sexpuppe ist super einfach, auch wenn der Spaß vorbei ist. Die Reinigung ist eine der einfachsten da draußen, und Sie werden in der Lage sein, auf sie schnell und ordnungsgemäß zu kümmern.
Sexpuppen erlauben dir zu experimentieren. Sie würden über die Natur davon überrascht sein. Oftmals werden Sexpuppen oft als schlecht angesehen, weil nur einsame Kerle sie bekommen, aber in Wahrheit kann jeder von einer Sexpuppe profitieren. Eine Flache brust Sexpuppen ermöglicht es dir, zu experimentieren, und mit den Anpassungen, die für sie verfügbar sind, kannst du den Typ der Puppe, die Art der Erfahrung und was immer du willst an diesen hängen lassen.

liebespuppe kaufen
Du wärst überrascht, wie schön das ist und wie großartig es ist, so etwas zu haben. Eine Sexpuppe ermöglicht sexuelle Freiheit, die nicht viel aussagen kann, aber für manche Menschen ist sie ein integraler Bestandteil von sich selbst und kann einen großen Unterschied darin machen, wie eine Person sich selbst sieht. Sie würden überrascht sein, wie viel Unterschied dies in Ihrem Sexualleben machen könnte. Wenn du schon immer mal etwas ausprobieren wolltest, aber entweder aufgrund dessen, was es ist, oder vielleicht der Erwartungen der Gesellschaft und anderer, bist du ein wenig belastet, dann empfehle ich dir dringend, eine Sexpuppe zu bekommen. Eine Sexpuppe kann dein Leben verändern und dir die Möglichkeit geben zu experimentieren.
Es liegt in der Natur des Menschen, mit deiner Sexualität zu experimentieren. Jeder macht es. Es ist nicht etwas Fremderes, was nur ein paar Leute tun. Betrachte es also nicht als etwas Böses oder ähnliches, sondern nimm deine Sexualität und die Mittel, mit denen du dich daran beteiligst, an. Indem du ehrlich zu dir selbst wirst, mit der Art, wie du dein Sexualleben übernimmst, und dergleichen, wirst du eine lohnende Erfahrung haben, und genau das versuchen die Sexpuppen nicht nur sofort, sondern auch niederzuschlagen der Weg für dich selbst und in deinem Leben.
Einfach zu bekommen
Nun ein großer Teil dieser Sexpuppen ist die Tatsache, dass sie super einfach zu bekommen sind. Sie sind teuer, ja, aber denken Sie daran, Sie zahlen für Qualität. Mit einer Sexpuppe bekommst du nicht nur irgendeine alte Puppe, sondern du bekommst eine hyperrealistische Frau, die du benutzen und mit der du Spaß haben kannst. Es ist etwas, mit dem Sie auf der obersten Ebene experimentieren können, so dass Sie wirklich einen Unterschied spüren können.
Natürlich, wenn Sie nicht scharf darauf sind, diese Art von Geld auszugeben, können Sie immer eine andere Form einer Silikonpuppen bekommen. Realistische Sexpuppen sind das Beste für die Erfahrung, aber es gibt offensichtlich andere Formen auf dem Markt, die Ihnen erlauben zu wählen, was Sie wollen. Willst du etwas Einfaches mit einem Loch oder etwas, in das du ein Fleshlight einfügen kannst? Du kannst das bekommen. Willst du den ganzen Monat, wo du die ganze Erfahrung ohne irgendwelche Probleme bekommst? Nun, Sie können das auch bekommen. Mit allem, was Sie bekommen, können Sie Ihren Partner und Ihre Sexpuppe so auswählen, wie Sie es für möglich halten.

168CM real doll günstig
Wenn Sie der Typ sind, der sich davor fürchtet, einen zu kaufen, vielleicht aufgrund des gesellschaftlichen Drucks auf Sex und der Art, wie es darauf verpönt ist, dann verzweifeln Sie nicht, denn es gibt einige Online-Händler, die das berücksichtigen, und Sie kann es auf diskrete Weise kaufen. Offensichtlich solltest du tun, was für dich angenehm ist, und du wirst auf jeden Fall sicherstellen wollen, dass du genau das bekommst, was du willst.

Baobao Zhang

Baobao Zhang

L'industrie de la poupée sexuelle est un exemple d'industrie qui a subi une refonte complète. La refonte a connu de nombreux développements et avancées dans la nature de ces poupées de plaisance. L'utilisation des poupées était non seulement associée à un certain niveau de stigmatisation, mais les poupées étaient simplement des imitations gonflables en caoutchouc qui provoquaient un degré de plaisir minimal. Cependant, les dernières poupées robotiques comportent des créatures artificiellement intelligentes et flexibles, comme les femmes. Qui ne veut pas ça?

Alors, devriez-vous permettre à votre homme de posséder une poupée sexuelle?
Bien qu'il n'y ait pas de réponse définitive à la question, la réponse varie et est propre à chaque femme. Cependant, nous disons qu'il n'y a aucune raison d'interdire à votre mari d'acheter une poupée sexuelle. En tout cas, la poupée sexuelle ne devrait être utilisée que comme agent d’amélioration de votre relation.





2.バッテリーに関しては、18650とアビオニクスは点検できず、内蔵のバッテリー装置をチェックすることはできません。民間航空は実際にはリチウム電池の総容量要件を満たしています。しかし、すべての空港は厳格に施行されていません。私は6つのフェスティバル18650、通常長期3 * 4セクション18650収納ボックスをリュックに入れ、セキュリティ担当者に個別に伝える必要はありません。


4、ツール:髪のカール、綿、コイル、マイクロドライバー、アンチロックセラミックピンセットに持ち運ぶことができます。 長い編組、はさみ、ワイヤーカッター、それを確認してください。


煙が多い場合は意識的に委託します。 (空港に確認してください)。


理解していない人の中には、あなたが喫煙しているものが実際の煙であると思うかもしれません。誤解や紛争が起こりやすいものです。 あなたはそれに耐えることができますか?



After the second world war, the military radio equipment, and since before the second world war, other than the sailors and the experimenter almost without any purpose, because it is the nature of the unreliable, so there are very few radio management using laws, mainly based on the concept of "non-interference" in the national boundaries. One aspect is that you can do whatever you want as long as it is limited to your property.

The result is a mess, still in many parts of the world.

This confusion is mainly in industrialized countries is considered to be unwelcome, individual countries select authorization/allows broadcasters to work each other, so under the auspices of the United Nations, the itu has frequency signal jammer plan and other standards, in order to achieve a certain degree of harmony in the itu area.

Brought a change in the 1960 s, however, in the UK, Harold Wilson to condemn his lack of political success in coast "pirates" part of the reason (he later accused of mi5 and other "security department"), when he gained power, he will be one of the "Marine laws", this is a draconian laws, it actually allows the British government in violation of international law on detention and sales/destruction at home or in international waters in pirate radio or support any ship of pirate radio, and prosecute anyone involving pirates to offer goods, services or income, and through these laws, it changes the current law and other laws and regulations, one of them is the method of wireless telegraphy, these changes as the foundation of many other countries legislation later.



Cell phone jammer: test and comment.

With the experience of these devices for several years, I can have an almost objective opinion on this issue. Around 2007, I got my first jammer. This is the "basic" model.
There are several types of models that can be distinguished according to power types:

- portable jammers operate on internal rechargeable batteries.
- the main line runs on the main line.

In addition to the frequency range of coverage: GSM, CDMA, 3G, DCS...

The most common pattern so far is this one, with the original packaging of a plug converter:

New mobile phone jamming


Some loose comments about the model:

The load was long enough to discharge. Basically, for the first model, the second day I calculated the operating costs of an hour.
Similarly, if we don't use it, he will soon relax himself. There is no way to know when the charges will end.
In the most recent model, all these flaws have been corrected, waiting for the diode to close to know that the charge is over, and over time, the interference doesn't seem to be self-discharging.









Open Network for Mediterranean Sustainable Tourism


The city of Testour is mobilized for the second edition of the Festival of Granada which takes place from the  October 12 th . A visit to a farms, tastings of the local culinary specialties, and a varied cultural program with exhibitions, musical performances, street entertainment ... awaits you. (Cf Album)


ONMEST2 Tunisia present project outputs to ECICW European Centre of the International Council of Women within its International Annual Meeting that took place in Tunisia (Cf Album) 
Erfc Npo

Erfc Npo

ERFC tried to extend the network of CLCLs by participating to 1st International UNWTO Western Silk Road Workshop organised by the World Tourism organisation (UNWTO) in April 2017, aiming at strengthening and diversifying the tourism offer of Western Silk Road destinations, under the UNWTO/EU Western Silk Road Tourism Development Initiative, an ambitious tourism project aimed at revitalizing the Silk Road heritage located in the European region.

Erfc Npo

Erfc Npo

The itineraries of ONMEST promoted at the International Travel & Tourism Exhibition MITT 2015 in Moscow from 18 to 21 March 2015.

Erfc Npo

Erfc Npo

According to UNESCO’s World Heritage website, there is probably no ancient archaeological site anywhere in the world more relevant in today’s world than Olympia. The stadium of Olympia, where the ancient Olympic Games were held, and the massive temple of Zeus, the largest temple in the Peloponnese, are the site’s most significant attractions.

More info about the Olympic heritage itinerary
Erfc Npo

Erfc Npo

Traditional dancers from Corfu

Erfc Npo

Erfc Npo

Mr Papagiannopoulos from ERFC discussed with the pupils of Arsakeio Highschool in Patras about the benefits of sustainable tourism on 16 December 2015.

Erfc Npo

Erfc Npo

On Friday 15th of April, as it was organized and hosted by the Municipality of Mytilene and ERFC took place the first sensitization event for the local community, at the hall of the Municipal Theater Lab.

On the next day, ERFC team in cooperation with the vice Mayor of Tourism and Culture, held an awareness raising event  in the conference hall of Molivos. Local Community and Tourism stakeholders where informed about ONMEST 2 Project and other issues related to sustainable tourism through relevant presentations and instructive videos. 

Erfc Npo

Erfc Npo

A special event during the second half of August introduces us to a journey of taste and culture, where the tradition in viniculture and wine production at the beautiful natural environment meet the gastronomy, culture and hospitality of the region.

OINOXENEIA is an innovative entailing cultural and gastronomic journey to the landscapes and tastes of Aigialeia, with many events of high aesthetic quality, such as wine tours, wineries to visit, concerts and artistic events, wine tasting events and gastronomic experiences in appointed restaurants.

Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel


It is rare that a “brand”, as used in the cold, hard world of business competition, is a unique historic artifact that connotes a culture common to a whole people.  The “weshna” was an earring that was produced by Palestinian artisans and worn by Palestinian women centuries ago.  The design originated near Hebron and is taken from nature – a cluster of cherries, and consisted of a triangle, usually decorated copper, from which hung three coin-like circles made of copper, silver or other material.  Today’s weshna is the brand name that Rozana has selected for a broad line of Palestinian products – food, soaps, and dry goods, created to empower local communities .  

Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel

Home stays 

To contribute to improving the socio-economic status of marginalized women in rural areas of the West Bank through providing women with homestays access to local and international tourism market to advertise their tourist services, linking them to the supply chain of tourist services and enhancing their opportunities for income generation.

To promote and protect cultural heritage as pathway to sustainable development through promoting Palestinian trails (Abraham Path/Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil and Sufi Trails) with unique cultural and heritage values across small rural communities in the West Bank which are normally ignored by mainstream tourism, and the cultural, religious, natural and archeological heritage they hold is generally unknown to wider Palestinian and foreign audiences.

To establish an extended network for alternative tourism among rural municipalities and village councils in the West Bank which are involved in hospitality along the Masar Ibrahim and Sufi Trails as explored by Rozana Association.

Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel

Battir CLC 
Mr rafat Jameel the Rozana field officer has been visiting and following up the developments of the Palestinian ClCs. Once each CLC organization completes its official registration it receives one of these tablets as an encouragement for their efforts.
Rafat jameel handing over the tablets for the green valley eco tourism organization in Battir

Abu jameel handing over the tablets to the Rawyeh eco tourism organization in Deir Istya CLC.
Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel

Qatrawani - Architectural Heritage 

The Shrine of Sheikh Qatrawani, recently and beautifully restored by the Palestinian Ministry of Antiquities, was built in the 16th century during the Mamluk period on top of a Byzantine monastery.  It consists of two semi-spherical domes and may have been part of a chain of watch-towers that overlooked the surrounding flat-lands.  Accounts of its origin differ.  One connects to an Islamic beginning centered on a Sufi holy man from Gaza’s village of Qatra, Sheikh Ahmed al-Qatrawani, who was directed by angels to settle on the hill-top of Dar Hamouda.  Some local historians believe he was fed and protected by the villagers who later buried him near the shrine.  Others believe that the Sheikh came to the site after his death when his body descended to the hill-top.


A second story connects the shrine to the Christian Saint Catherine.  This is supported by the pre-Islamic beginnings and the discovery of an adjacent winepress that may have been part of a larger Byzantine monastery.   Hamdan Taha, the noted Palestinian scholar of Sufi shrines, points out the similarity of the Muslim belief that a dead body descends to its place of burial to the Christian belief that Catherine’s dead body descended to the top of Mount Sinai.  Taha also notes the aural similarity between “Qatrawani” and “Catherine”.  The shrine today is visited by both Muslims who come to offer vows and Christians who come to be near the remains of the Christian monastery.

Rozana Associtaon 


Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel

Khan Al Bireh 

The road heading north from Jerusalem to Sabastiya is an ancient one.  In the 12th century, in the Crusader period, it was controlled by the Knights of St. John, or Knights Hospitallers.  The khan building was built in the Romanesque style and served as the center of the Crusader governance in the area until the Islamic period when it became an inn or khan in the 16th century.  Historians believe that it was the first stopping place for caravans and pilgrims traveling from Jerusalem to Nablus.

The khan gradually fell into ruins until 2014 when Rozana supervised a rehabilitation project, funded by the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), which restored the remaining structurally-sound parts of the building.  Today it is now a beautifully preserved museum and community resource center with a permanent archeological exhibit, a community room, and workshops and lectures on local cultural heritage.


Rozana Association 


Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel

Masar Ibrahim 

4,000 years ago Abraham walked from his birthplace in Turkey to the Negev Today’s visitors can trace the Palestinian section of Abraham’s footsteps on the Masar Ibrahim al-Khalil.  To walk it is to enter deep into the history, antiquities, countryside, and rural village life of Palestinian people.  Visitors will experience the peaceful landscapes of terraced olive groves in the northern highlands, the varieties of plants and wildlife – especially the “Palestinian bird flyway”, distinct eco-systems, and geological formations.  They might examine ancient holy sites, take meals with a Palestinian family, or sleep in a Bedouin tent.

For photographic galleries of numerous sites along the trail, maps, information about tours, guides, and help planning a visit to any part or the entirety of the trail, see Masar Ibrahim al-Khalil and Abraham Path Initiative. The trail is a joint project of Rozana,  Siraj Center and the Palestine Wildlife Society ..

GO TO Masar Ibrahim Website

Rozana Association 


Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel


A celebration of the village the heart of Palestinian life and culture and every Palestinian’s connection to the Homeland, the Flower of the Countryside provides a platform for families and their young women to display the needlework, sing the traditional songs and exhibit knowledge of customs, products and agriculture unique to their village.  Visitors to the annual Birzeit Heritage Week have an opportunity to see this performance.

GO TO Flower of the contryside Gallery 

Rozana Association 

Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel

The network of experiential palestinian tourism organizations has just launched its new website. 
Visit to learn about community based tourism endeavors in palestine and to explore some of the outstanding efforts that lead such efforts

Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel

30,000 visitors  from near and far came to Birzeit in July to defend Palestinian culture and heritage,  to sense the excitement of the Dabkah dance and the athleticism of the Palestinian Circus, to admire the art, the artifacts and the artisans who created them.  Despite Occupation, despite the obstacles, they came, they looked and listened and laughed and clapped, and they understood Palestinian resistance.

Go To Heritage Week Gallery 
Rozana Associtaion 


Asala Aqel Aqel

Asala Aqel Aqel

Exploring the hidden heritage of Palestine

Palestine’s countryside bears witness to the many cultures which have come to Palestine, some to stay and some to pass on.  The Sufi shrines, once at the center of village life, represent one such culture.  They were built as lodges for the wandering ascetics who came from the east in the 9th and 10thcenturies in search of meditation and brought Islam to the Palestine’s Central Highlands.  From the time of the Crusades to the end of the Ottoman Empire – a period of some 700 years – these shrines were part of a living tradition of folk religion and pilgrimage.  They were often built on the sites of the Byzantine churches, Roman garrisons or prehistoric caves, and often command magnificent views of the surrounding landscape .

Go To Sufi Trails Gallery 

Rozana Association 

Erfc Npo

Erfc Npo

ERFC in cooperation with the Technical Univercity of Central Macedonia, MBA in Hospitality & Tourism in Serres presented ONMEST2 project and sensitised the students and the local community in sustainable tourism. The event took place at the Conference Centre "Evagoras Pallikaridis" in Serres.

Bearzatto Domenico

Bearzatto Domenico

The tour operators of the Sicilian ONMEST2 CLC, “Io Viaggi”, was invited to take part to a “Sicily-South Africa” Culture and Tourism Conference and Exchange from 21 until 23 of October, organized by the Region Sicilia, to organize exchanges of touristic groups among the two places. in South Africa. Io Viaggi presented there the main ONMEST2 tours in Sicily.

Bearzatto Domenico

Bearzatto Domenico

The Centre of Local Culture of Ragalna is one of the most advanced and dynamic CLC developed by the ONMEST2 project in Sicily. The Centre hosted on 8 October 2016 an educational tour of Tour Operators from Denmark, France, Hungaria and Italy to test the welcoming of tourists in the Centres of Local Culture in Sicily. The guests took part to the entertaining activities in the seat of the CLC of Ragalna, which created a cooperative named Etna Welcome to host the visitors.

After a visit to the surroundings of Ragalna as far as the lower craters and old lava flows near the Rifugio Sapienza,  the visitors took part to a nice familiar experience of a kitchen lesson of an old

process of preparing and cooking a local pasta,  then had a dinner together with the hosts in the restaurant  “la Cantina del Picaro”, 
managed by the “Etna Welcome”, the local cooperative of the Ragalna CLC.

The visit will frame itself among the initiatives to launch Ragalna and other Sicilian CLC in the national and international tourism.




ONMEST2 website


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Nizar Al Adarbeh

Nizar Al Adarbeh

Madaba has won the 2016 World Crafts City title for mosaic, in a competition organised by the World Crafts City (WCC), the Tourism Ministry announced on Wednesday.

A team of experts representing the WCC, which organises the award, visited Madaba in July and checked tourist sites whose grounds are built of mosaic, according to a ministry statement.


The visit to Madaba, some 30km southwest of Amman, came after the ministry presented WCC with a comprehensive report prepared by a specialised team from the Madaba Institute for Mosaic Art and Restoration (MIMAR), in cooperation with the ministry and Madaba tourism directorate.

The delegates also visited MIMAR, and commended its role in preserving the art of mosaic, and its success in training qualified workforce for the local market.

Tourism Minister Lina Annab said in the statement that “the title gives Madaba an added value as a tourist destination”, in addition to its heritage of historic churches and other important sites in the religious tourism trail.

The title would earn the town an "advanced status" on the world tourism map of crafts and mosaic, Annab said.

She stressed that the ministry plans to coordinate with WCC on organising international exhibitions for crafts and mosaic in Madaba to raise awareness on the old art and national efforts exerted to preserve such heritage.

Founded in 1964, WCC is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that seeks to strengthen the status of crafts as a vital part of cultural and economic life, to promote fellowship among the craftspeople of the world.

Other aims of the council include offering craftspeople with necessary encouragement, help, advice and foster economic development through income generating activities, according to its website.



  1. Statement about the Programme


The 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme is a multilateral Cross-Border Cooperation initiative funded by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). The Programme objective is to promote the sustainable and harmonious cooperation process at the Mediterranean Basin level by dealing with the common challenges and enhancing its endogenous potential. It finances cooperation projects as a contribution to the economic, social, environmental and cultural development of the Mediterranean region. The following 14 countries participate in the Programme: Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Syria (participation currently suspended), Tunisia. The Joint Managing Authority (JMA) is the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy). Official Programme languages are Arabic, English and French (




بيان حول البرنامج  


إن برنامج  ENPI CBC MED 2007 – 2013 هو برنامج للتعاون المشترك عبر الحدود لحوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط، هو جزء من سياسة الجوار والشراكة  الأوروبية ومن آلياتها التمويلية. يهدف البرنامج إلى تعزيز ودعم عملية التعاون المستدام والمنسجم على مستوى حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط وذلك من خلال معالجة التحديات المشتركة وتعزيز الإمكانات الذاتية. يموّل البرنامج مشاريع التعاون كمساهمة في التنمية الإقتصادية، الإجتماعية، البيئية والثقافية لمنطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط. إن الدول ال 14 التالية هي الدول المشاركة في البرنامج: ​​قبرص، مصر، فرنسا، اليونان، إسرائيل، إيطاليا، الأردن، لبنان، مالطا، فلسطين، البرتغال، إسبانيا، سوريّا (المشاركة معلَقة حالياُ)، تونس. إن سلطة الإدارة المشتركة JMA هي منطقة الحكم الذاتي لمقاطعة سردينيا (إيطاليا). إن اللغات الرسمية  للبرنامج هي : العربية، الإنجليزية والفرنسية.  




·        Municipality of Ispica Pietro Rustico  Legal representative Corso Umberto, 82 – 97014 Ispica (Ragusa), Italy  +39 0932950450 +39 0932950450 

·        PP1 ERFC – European Regional Framework for Cooperation Nikolaos Petropoulos Legal representative Platonos 33, 25100 Aegion, Greece  / +30 2691060427 +30 2691062904 

·        PP2 FUERM - Fundación Universidad Empresa Región de Murcia Enrique Egea Ibáñez Legal representative Edificio ENAE. Campus Universitario Espinardo. 30100 Murcia. Spain  +34968899899 +349688834132 

·        PP3 JVCCD Jordan Valley Center for Comprehensive Development Nawwaf  Al-Amery  Legal representative Irbid - North Jordan Valley, Shaik Hussein, Qulai'at - Jordan  +962 7 9 9939003 +962 2 6550770 

·        PP4 Baldati organization chaker noon Legal representative baldati bldg, grnd floor, lebanon street, elissar, mazraat yachouh, metn , lebanon  +9614922999 +9614924101 

·        PP5 Rozana Association Raed  Saadeh Legal representative Jerusalem Hotel POBox:19130    Jerusalem   +972 545696220 +9722 2819850 

·        PP6 UNFT - Union Nationale de la Femme Tunisienne Radhia JERBI Legal representative 56, Bab Bnet street, 1000 Tunis/Tunisia  +216 98 666 181 +216 71 567 131

·         PP7 DELARPA Association pour le développement du Patrimoine Abdellatif  TABOUBI Legal representative ,    B.P 149 B. Louzir 2073 (Ariana) Tunisie ,  +21697840892 +21670688820 PP8 Associazione culturale SUD Paolo Ferlisi Legal representative VIA ROMA, 10 CAP 97014  ISPICA(RG) +39 0932793279 +39 09321856998

ان مشروع "ONMEST2 يطمح الى انشاء شبكة مفتوحة للسياحة المستدامة في حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط

إن بلدية ISPICA في إيطاليا تترأس هذا المشروع و سيشمل العديد من الشركاء والمنظمات غير الحكومية و الجمعيات من مناطق البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​:

1.      مجموعة بلدتي في لبنان

2.      مؤسسة Fundación Universidad Empresa Región de Murcia في إسبانيا

3.      الإطار الإقليمي للتعاون الأوروبي في اليونان

4.      مركز وادي الاردن للتنمية الشاملة في الأردن

5.      جمعية روزانا في الضفة الغربية الخاضعة للسلطة الفلسطينية

6.      الاتحاد الوطني للمرأة التونسية في تونس

7.      الرابطة من أجل التنمية للتراث في تونس

8.      Associazione Culturale SUD  في ايطاليا

ان المشروع يأتي من الحاجة، وهي إقتراح واجهات سياحية غير أولية وغير معروفة بأن تكون واجهت ممتازة  حيث يستطيع السائح بأن يكتشف ثقافة الشعوب المحلية والتي ستسمى بمراكز الثقافة المحلية.

ففي الواقع، في تلك المناطق فإننا سوف ننظم الكثير من وسائل الترفيه الثقافية :

         الأطباق التقليدية

         الرقصات الشعبية

         الأغاني العرقيه

         الحرف اليدوية


         مسارات استكشاف

         وغيرها من الترفيه الثقافي


وسنسعى إلى تفعيل دور المرأة والشباب وسنجعلهم يستقبلون السواح  ويعرفونهم على تقاليدهم في إطار يهدف إلى التنمية الإقتصادية ،   و الإجتماعية والبيئية. وأيضاً سنرسم في كل دولة عدة خرائط ومقاصد سياحية حيث ستساهم المؤسسات السياحية الصغيرة والمتوسطة في تحسين الاستدامة البيئية وفقا لقيم المجتمع الأوروبي. وسيكون منظمي الرحلات السياحية المحلية لديها دور مهم جدا فيما بينها، لأنها سوف تصمم الوجهات السياحية.


اننا ندعو السائح إلى الإندماج الكامل في المكان الذي يزور. هكذا سوف نجعل من زيارته مغامرة لا تنسى.  




ONMEST 2 aims to develop sustainable tourism around the Mediterranean area, designing trips, which are a mix among main touristic destinations and minor destinations, not known but with a strong touristic value, shedding light on these ones. In fact the partnership is creating in these locations Centers of Local Culture, which are a kind of database of their heritage (culture, nature, history and traditions). 

Moreover these Centers are the tool to develop all local communities to become a living out-door museum allowing local and international tourists to interact with local communities. Special customized packages are designed for tourists, divided into two parts, Day and night. During the day tourists will discover the mystic archeological and historic sites that still stand until today. For the evening program, the tourists will experience the local culture through different activities including music, dance and delicious local food, sharing experiences with local community. 

Those itineraries are conducted through the Centers of local culture that will focus on delivering local values to the tourists, from traditions and heritage to the different environmental, cultural and historic activities. Through these centers many job opportunities will be created focusing mainly on youth and women as the main actors in this process. 

ONMEST 2 includes 7 countries around the Mediterranean area, Italy, Spain, Greece, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, and Palestine.