About 500,000 car enter Beirut daily , Let's try to reduce this number, let's share our transportation.
Join " Baldati Eco Transport " project.

- PIN your prefered Bus Stop for Departure using Google Earth
- Right Click the PIN and save as KMZ file on your desktop.
- Go to www.baldati.com and create your account
- Fill your profile
- Go to www.baldati.com/all/transport
- Join the community click
- on the right in places box click on ADD PLACE
- In Location Name : Mention your full name
- In Description : mention the best timing for you: Morning and afternoon
- Do the same for your Destination.
- All Bus stops should be on the Highways.
- No stops on the road for non members.
- All buses are touristic , with professional drivers: provided by Boody Travel
- Buses with internet connection: provided by Terranet.
- Schedule of the buses will be defined based on your registration and the average departure and destination time.
- Members will get a Baldati Card valid for one year
- Cost of the Card depend on the number of registrations and the sponsors
- Our aim is to reach a zero cost for members
- Municipalities and Sponsors are welcome to support
- For more info Contact Us