A message of Hope Dear President of United State of America, I don’t know if you have five minutes to read my message which stands for a dream of more than (50) Kurdish (Kurdish State) my nation is scattered or accurately been divided among (Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and Syria) since 90 years. You may ask why this letter an...d why in this time? It’s a time of freedom for all, especially in Middle East. My people struggled in all times and eras, but unfortunately always faced by a steel curtain of denial from dictators and invaders that made our areas a spot of clashes and many wars among regional forces since many years among Othman, Persian, and even English emperors. We were victims of their wars and reward in the same time. We faced many regimes and armies to defend our country. We stand most of the time against these forces bravely and forced them to retreat, but they never surround keep trying to occupy our lands neither we did, we kept struggle seeking Pease and free state. Kurdish first state was announced in Kurdistan (Iran) Mehabd Republic in 1946 by Kurdish leader (Qazi Mohammad) which last less than one year, before controlled by Iran Shah. Qazi Mohammad chose to surround to Iranian army instead of start unfair battle with Iranian army that may cause a massacre to Kurdish people, he said I die for my people I die on alter of freedom.

Many Kurdish revolutions raised against its occupants and invaders, but always faced by the brutality of dictators, such as Saddam Hussein the last dictators of Iraq who used most brutal ways of killing against Kurdish people such as demolishing Kurdish cities, villages, and buried its people alive in southern desert of Iraq he spares no way to vanish Kurdish people even by using Chemical weapons in many Kurdish villages and cities, especially in Halabja.

 My nation didn’t lose hope in freedom and future and we never do. Dear Mr. president, I know you may have more information about my nation and country more than what mentioned in this letter, but it’s my way to remind you that need your support as you know there is a formula for freedom that never fail (hope, fight for it, and support from free country). I think the support from your free country is needed to be involved in the born of new free country. Kurdish nation is eager for freedom today more than any time, we are faithful, believe in Allah and fate. God create us as Kurds in Kurdistan it’s not our choice to be Kurdish in a country called Kurdistan.

 Dear Mr. President, do you know Kurdish in Turkey is still not allowed speak or even say “Kurdistan” otherwise will face jail sentences, do you believe there is more than 30 Million Kurdish in Turkey can’t study in their mother tongue. Turkish regime insist that they are Turkish not Kurdish do believe that!!!! What a democratic state!!!!!!!! Do you think this issue (Kurdish case) in Middle East will step like turtle for ever and be slaughter on the altar of freedom for the sake of other dictator countries? Hope is needed A message of hope may find its way to free countries for support. Fighting for it is also needed that we never give up. Yours Kurdish freedom seeker.

I am Ahmed Abdullah

Written by : Sabah Kakarash

Nov 15, 2011
