I-First Article
Historians believe that the name of the village derives from 2 words :Ain means spring ,and Ibl means irrigation.So Ainebel is the the spring of irrigation ( in arabic ayn El-Saqy) .In the opposite, Baal means rain of God or naturel rain.
Arousset el Jnoub, Ain-Ebel, is known for its beautiful scenery aimable people, and jovial atmosphere. Situated in the heart of the South, Ain-Ebel occupies several hills with elevations ranging from 750 to 850 meters above sea level.
Each summer, a grand festival is organized in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The festival culminates on the Assumption of Mary on August 15. Outdoor events and open-air concerts are held in the village's square, and the festivities peak with a procession of the Virgin Mary icon.
Ain-Ebel is also known for its religious structures among which are the Chapel of San Joseph, St Mary's Chapel, Our Lady of Ain Ebel Maronite Church, Saint Elie Greek Catholic Melkite Church , and the New Saint Elie Greek Catholic Melkite Church.
Ain Ebel is a historic village with numerous archeologic sites that date to Biblical times. On the outskirts of the village is an area called Chalaboune ??????, where Ernest Renan, a french philosopher who sent by Emperor Napoleon III to Lebanon, found ancient graves (see Mission de Phénicie (1865-1874)).In the area of Doueir he found a bas relief representing Diana or Astarte and Apollon.This article is posted in the Museum of Louvre - Paris France .You can see a picture of it on the web site
In his book, Salut Jerusalem: Les memoires d'un chretien de Tyr a l'epoque des Croisades, the Lebanese historian, Bechara Menassa, wrote that the people of Ain Ebel were in touch with the Crusaders in Toron, modern Tebnine. Menassa described how a Frankish monk ( Etienne d'Artois) killed a wild animal in Ain -Ebel
Ain Ebel occupies several hills with elevation ranging from 750 to 850 meters above sea level. The village enjoys four seasons with autumn and spring being mild but rainy, winter being cold and snowy and summer being dry and very pleasant with average temperatures between 25-27°C (74-77°F). The people of Ain Ebel cultivate their land and produce olives, almonds, chestnuts, pecans, grapes, figs, pomegranates, and apples. There are three natural springs in Ain Ebel, including Ain -Elfawqa,Ain-El-Tahta,Tarbnine and Ain-El-Hourriyyé (Freedom Spring) , Ain Hanine is shared with Hanine village
The people of Ain Ebel are Lebanese and are followers of the Catholic Church (Maronite and Greek Melkite) as well as Armenian Catholic. The village is made up of the Alam, Al-Akh, Abu Ghanam,Ammar, Ammouri, Atmé,Andrawos, Ghostine (also Lubbos and Lopez in Brazil), Barakat, Berberian, Chaia,Chbat, Chehadé, Diab (Diap and Diep in Argentina), Dick (also spelled Deek), Farah, Haddad, Hasrouny, Jichy, Karam,Khalifeh,Khoreich (also spelled khreich,Khraish in the US and Canada and Kreis in Argentina), Lallous, Mattar, Sader (also known as Khoury), Sakr,Samaha,Sidaoui Tawlajian,and other families.
There are three schools in the village: two private schools (Saints-Cœurs and Saint Joseph and one public school. There are four historic churches, built in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, that have been recently restored.
Shrines and Memorials
Each summer, a grand festival is organized in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The festival culminates on the Assumption of Mary on August 15. Outdoor events and open-air concerts are held in the village's square. The festivities peak with a procession of the Virgin Mary icon.
Others prominent figures from Ain Ebel are the Head of the lebanese Army General Jean Kahwaji,
the Brigadier General Maroun Toufic Khoreich,
Mgr Maroun Sader ,Mgr Albert Khoreich RIP, Mgr Elie Barakat,
Dr Makram Sader,General Secretary of the Banks Association ,
Nasrat Khoreich RIP reporter of the 2 lebanese news paper Annahar and l'Orient- Le jour,
Wafai Saleem Diab RIP, a renowned Arab journalist who was the first Arab journalist to conduct an interview at the White House. He passed away on December 16th, 2006,
Dr Mounir Khoreich former lebanese ambassador in Italy, Colombia and other countries,Naji Karam director of History and Archeology Departement in the Lebanese University, Pascale and Carole Sakre,famous Star singers, their father Etienne Sakr , Abou Arz, lebanese political leader,
Joseph Toufic Khoreich,writer and translator,co-fondator of the international catholic press union of Lebanon ( Ucip-Liban).Secretary of Labora Association.
General Maroun Diab,General Etienne Matar,Colonel Charbel Barakat,Charles Kh. Sader former General Director,Farouk Diab,Former General Director,actuel Municipality president 2010
The village of Ain Ebel is located in the south of Lebanon , its average height is approx. 800 meter. The average distance is about 130 Km from the capital Beirut, 40 Km from the Mouhafazat Al Nabatyeh, and 6 Km from the village of Bint Jbeil.
The village climate enjoy a mild Mediterranean weather, agreeably cold in winter, hot but dry in summer. The average temperature is 16 degrees Celsius.
The village is generally mountainous with lots of peaks, because the region is the extension of the Galilee Mountains. It has few valleys and some plateaus, usually called “ Marj”.
8- Demography
Registered, Resident and, seasonal Population
The registered population of the village of Ain Ebel is about 10,500.The permanent residents are about 1,800 composing 17% of the total number of registered population. The number of seasonal population can reach up to 3800 during summer time, which can mount to a population of around 5500 during summer. To that, we can
note the weekends visits of the university students coming from Beirut. The number of
emigrants in the village is more than 5000.
The village population is divided as follows
Permanent Residents Seasonal Residents
Age from 6 to 12 320 650
Age from 12 to 16 210 430
Age from 16 to 21 110 255
Age from 21 to 59 910 1700
Age above 59 250 465
Social structure
The social structure of the village is traditional to modern, the role of the family is still strong and significant. There are strong inner family bonds, and between the villagers and their village (increase in population during summer time and during the harvesting of the olive).
The role of women
Women are active partners in the economy activity, specially in harvesting olive and preparing oil, soap, and diary products. Women are also active in cultivating tobacco which is typically a family endeavor.
Women are also active in the educational sector and in a wide variety of jobs, such as vendors in shops, bank tellers and secretarial work, thus positively impacting
the economic cycle. Moreover a cooperative of women was established in Ain Ebel in 2002 (Joint project between the YMCA and the Municipality) that deals with Agro-Industry. To that women in Ain Ebel are strongly active in social and sport activities.
The youth
The number of youth in the village is as shown in the table above, they play a major role in the social and sports activities , the main problem they have is the lack of university colleges in the region and the lack of activities to do after school time (sport activities, entertainment centers, libraries, etc…). It’s worth noting that the educational levels attained by a very large number of the population whether in universities in Beirut or abroad are rather high, and keep strong ties with the homeland.
The youth is a labor power that should not be ignored neither issues related to them .
The youth of Ain Ebel are very active they have already established the UNDP Youth Club, Caritas Youth Club, and an organization under the name of AWFA , all working in the social and sports activities. To that the scout of Ain Ebel has been active for more than 45 years in similar activities.
The youth gain a high level of education from the main school related to the sisters coven of the sacred heart, this school was established since 126 years and has 750 registered students in 2006 at all levels.
The immigration of the village of Ain Ebel can reach approx. 50% of the population which amount to approx. 5000.
The local residents yielded to immigration outside the country and /or migration to Beirut and its suburb to solve their multifaceted social, economical, educational and health care conditions.
The immigration population is both large in size and status and is spread in countries around the world.
Immigrants play a major role in supporting their families, and relatives in the village. The number of migrants in Ain Ebel can reach approx. 33% of the population.
9-Family income in the village
Source of income
The sources of income in the village can vary according to the following:
1- 13% revenues from agricultural lands
2- 7 % agricultural labor working force
3- 10 % none agricultural labor force ( carpenter, builders, etc…)
4- 18% revenues from small commerce, shops, and industries
5- 12% revenues from the private sector ( banks, hospitals, insurance, etc…)
6- 7% revenues from syndicated people ( engineers, lawyers, doctors)
7- 10% revenues from the public sector
8- 2% military personnel
9- 17% civilian workers at the UNIFEL headquarter in Naqoura
10- 4% different income
Average family monthly income
1- less than US$ 300, 200 family
2- between US$300 and US$ 600, 170 family
3- above US$ 600, 90 family
10-The Economic Situation
Natural Resources
· Land
The total area of the village of Ain Ebel is approx. 900HA.
While the cultivated area can reach around 22% of the total area
( 180 Ha).
Agriculture is the backbone of the local economy during the past years,
However, the low income returns of this sector contributed to people
Switching to other sectors and to internal migration and/or immigration.
Our land is still not surveyed by the relevant authorities causing problem in issues related to inheritance, boundaries, and the transaction of the property.
· Forest
Forest occupy an area that does not exceed 5% of the total area of the village. These forests are mainly composed of oak and pine trees.
· Agriculture
As shown before on 13% of the local cultivators depend fully on the agriculture for income, while the remaining majority relies partially on the agriculture for household returns.
The main cultivated crop in Ain Ebel is olive trees ( approx. 55,000 tree), which can generate more than 200,000 liters of olive oil by yearly.
The tobacco is the second cultivated crop in the village with a production of approx. 45 Tons.
Vegetables, cereals, fruits and organic agriculture are starting to become more in use.
· Animal Products and Livestock
Dairy products are of a great importance in the village with approx.
more than 55 milk cows, 2500 sheep, to that honey also is present
with more than 225 bee colonies, to that we have more than 2500
meat chicken, and 2700 egg chicken.
· Agro Industries
This industry is based on what the cultivator produces. It
includes conservatives such as jams, pickles, dried fruits,
burghul, kushk, dried oregan, dairy products. These are mostly home
made industry except for an agro industry plant managed by
an agro agricultural cooperation.( the women organization for agro- industry)
Small and Medium Size Industries
Industries and small craft enterprises deal with ironwork, woodwork
Textiles, construction, and small food industry.
These industries are mainly related to the construction sector.
Commerce doesn’t play a major role in the economy of the village,
except for small shops ( approx. 50 shops).
The village is well known for it beautiful geographical location, it is rich with oak, pine and olive trees. It is well known to be a center of attraction for the area because of the presence of many restaurant, night clubs, coffee shops, sports facilities( needs rehabilitation) and specially it’s yearly summer festivals with an attendance of more than 20,000 ( during a week period) from most of south villages.
For the village of Ain Ebel if invested in tourism, it can be the second supporting sector in the economy.
To that the summer season, with all its positive economical impact on the village was lost.
Most of the infrastructure of the town was either partially or totally damaged, from the electrical power supply cables, to the telecommunication, to the roads.
During the 2nd week of the war 1500 people left the village to Beirut and the suburbs, and stayed at their relatives till the day of the cease fire.
The average cost of the reconstruction of the village exceeds : $1,750,000 for the homes reconstruction,$ 300,000 for animal dairy products and livestock, $ 700,000 in agriculture, $ 45,000 for bee colonies, and an average of $ 350,000 lost income from the summer season.
The average cost of the infrastructure reconstruction is approx. $ 450,000
in agriculture, $ 45,000 for bee colonies, and an average of $ 350,000 lost income from the summer season.
The average cost of the infrastructure reconstruction is approx. $ 450,000
12- Health Services
There is only one hospital in the region of Bint Jbeil, it provides few medical services. This hospital is not well equipped nor it has a good personnel or management to cover the basic health care needs of the region.
Concerning Ain Ebel and the surrounding villages, the Maronite Archbishopric of Tyre started the project of building a hospital in the village of Ain Ebel to support the villagers of the region stay in their lands.
The first phase of the project which consists of a social and health care center started functioning on the 20th of January 2006, but the project still needs an increase in its capacity and lots of equipment to meet the medical needs required.
The health care service is one of the major and crucial issues that our villagers need, to stay in their homeland. For that reason, finalizing the dream project of having a well equipped hospital in Ain Ebel is of great importance.
In addition to education, the sisters of the sacred heart provide medical support for the villagers of Ain Ebel through their dispensary.
The role of the dispensary was very important during the past years and specially during the war and the bad times, but can’t at any level be sufficient for the basic health service needs of the villagers.
13- The Damage Inflicted by the July 2006 war
The village of Ain Ebel was badly heat during the July war 2006, more than 385 homes were damaged 30% of which were severely damaged or destructed. An old man was killed because of the lack of medical care and 8 were injured, and more than 25 cars were destroyed.
80% of the animal dairy products and livestock were killed and destroyed. More than 6000 olive tree were totally damaged relatively with their land, most of the tobacco crops were damaged too. The 225 bee colonies were totally damaged. To that the summer season, with all its positive economical impact on the village was lost.
Most of the infrastructure of the town was either partially or totally damaged, from the electrical power supply cables, to the telecommunication, to the roads.
During the 2nd week of the war 1500 people left the village to Beirut and the suburbs, and stayed at their relatives till the day of the cease fire.
The average cost of the reconstruction of the village exceeds : $1,750,000 for the homes reconstruction,$ 300,000 for animal dairy products and livestock, $ 700,000 in agriculture, $ 45,000 for bee colonies, and an average of $ 350,000 lost income from the summer season.
The average cost of the infrastructure reconstruction is approx. $ 450,000
To that we have to keep in mind that most of the families spent and will spend their savings if they had any, during the war and the recovery period which will last for more than a year
14- « Arousset El Jnoub »
( Le texte initial est emprunté au website de Ainebel ( ) et modifié au fur et a mesure selon les développements)
C’est un beau petit village, dressé sur les plus belles collines méridionales des montagnes libanaises de Jabal Amel situé au cœur de la région connue dans le passe sous le nom de haute Galilée. Grâce à la beauté son relief géographique de ,et la joie de vivre de ses habitants « les Ain-Ebelis », le village est connu sous le nom de « Arousset el Jnoub » , ou la belle mariée du Sud.
Ain-Ebel se caractérise par un climat modéré ,sec et frais tout au long des quatre saisons: chaleur confortable en été, fraîcheur modérée au printemps et en automne, avec un hiver froid, et parfois neigeux.
D'autre part, les écoles de Ain-Ebel ont une renommée régionale, et regroupent la majorité des étudiants chrétiens et musulmans de la région. Le collège des sœurs des Saints-Cœurs, l'école Saint Joseph et l'école officielle de Ain-Ebel ont contribué à la formation de plusieurs générations qui ont excellé dans les divers domaines.
Le village a un dispensaire qui se trouve dans le collège des sœurs des Saints-Cœurs depuis près de 150 ans et qui était sous la fidèle direction de la bien-aimée feu sœur Jean-D'Arc pour plusieurs années. Maintenant, le dispensaire est sous l'administration de médecins locaux grâce à la générosité de la société Caritas.
Actuellement, un hôpital est en cours de construction grâce à l’initiative de feu Mgr Joseph Khoury et de la Municipalité d’Ainebel, grâce aussi a l'aide de plusieurs organisations internationales, telles que Caritas et l’Union Culturelle Libanaise Internationale. en vue de servir tous les villages du district de Bint-Jbeil. Cet hôpital appartient à l'Archeveche maronite de Tyr dirigé actuellement par son excellence l'évêque Choucralla Nabil El- Hage successeur de Mgr Maroun Sader fils de Ain Ebel.
Ain-Ebel offre aussi à ses habitants et ceux de la région une gamme variée de services :un centre sportif, un pressoir d’olive ,une boulangerie, des restaurants, ne quincaillerie, un fleuriste, des pâtisseries, des supermarchés, des stations d¹essences, des mécaniciens et plusieurs autres magasins. De plus, Ain-Ebel offre des services technologiques aux habitants à travers une compagnie de télévision par satellite, un bureau régional de l¹ une des premières compagnies de téléphone cellulaire au Liban, ainsi qu¹ une compagnie locale de téléphonie .En outre Ain Ebel offre deux terrains militaires a l’Armée libanaise et aux forces internationales intérimaires (Finul) .
Des organisations locales comme le « Club des Fils & Filles de Ain-Ebel », le « Club des Femmes de Ain-Ebel » Awfa, Ada, « Scouts du Liban », « Chevaliers de la Vierge Marie », Associations des Aiebelis a Beyrout , et d'autres organisations telles que Caritas ,assurent des services culturels, environnementaux, sociaux et charitables tout au long de l'année.
Les soirées, particulièrement en été, sont très animées. La présence de trois centres de loisirs, et les soirées d'avant-mariage, doivent à Ain-Ebel sa renommée dans la région.
Quant à l'agriculture, Ain-Ebel est riche en: Oliviers près de 45.000 arbres, amandiers, chênes, tabacs, raisins, figues, grenadiers, pommes et d'autres fruits.
Les habitants de Ain-Ebel, comme tous les Libanais, sont dispersés partout dans les divers pays du monde, tels que l'Australie, le Canada, les Etats-Unis, l'Europe, l'Amérique du Sud, ainsi que les pays Arabes