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How much we are in need of a ZIP code in Lebanon, Baldati created “ Baldati Places” which is a combination of our traditional way to describe our location and a google earth map.

You can now add as many addresses as u want  FREE of CHARGE .

Go to the specified village using the search on the top or browse  and follow the instruction below.

You can add your home , promote your business , or show the parking nearby or help people to find interesting focal points….

  1. open google earth
  2. if you dont have it, download :
  3. find your place on google earth
  4. create  A place mark (the yellow pin on the menu bar)
  5. right click and save as (KMZ extension) on your desktop
  6. Go to
  7. Sign in ( you cannot perform any action without signing in)
  8. Be sure to see on the top right "welcome ............"
  9. from "My e-communities" go to your desired community related to the subject of your article.
  10. You can add a new e-community to your groups from “Directory browser
  11. on the right column find "places" click on "ADD a place"
  12. with browse select the "kmz" file created on google earth
  13. fill the descriptions and category
  14. Now you can create as many places as you want in your village
  15. municipality, pharmacy, petrol station ....
  16. Baldati places complement google when it comes to places in our communities that google is not accepting.
  17. every community on baldati has its places
  18. you can see all places on "main" community 
  19. ex: find our Meeting point on Sundays : 
Mariane Elias

Mariane Elias

Baldati is an NGO that promotes rural development projects in partnership with local municipalities, NGOs and organizes events and develops capacity building.

Baldati took Lebanon as a pilot project but using it to go regional and serve the entire region.



Recent News The Lebanese Community for Rescue

Citizen Lebanon - 3abir al tawa2ef

Baldati Board elections-2010

NASA: Last decade was warmest ever

Crashed jet's black boxes located

What does iPad mean for designers?

Tips to Improve your Mental Health



Wild Lebanon is a unit devoted to helping promote, preserve and protect the natural, cultural, and historical Lebanese heritage- through socio-economic projects, handicraft enterprises and eco-tourism. It can be the means through which citizens can promote their villages, products, programs and packages.

We have weekly Sunday hiking activities.

Join us this Sunday February 14 Snowshoeing in Arz Al Qobbayat


Discussion of the week

Join recent discussions by accessing the hyperlinks below:

Dawlat al qanoun

Be careful out there!

GEOCACHING. Hikers will love this game

How can we save our Planet?


Upcoming Events

Neurology conference-EEMCPDM meeting

World Dyslexia Forum


Projects news


Citizen Lebanon

 Citizen Lebanon National Conference news

Countries Updated



Villages Updated



Albums updated


Pictures from Hiking Izal-Donnieh

Opportunity Day at Balamand University





For more information contact Baldati at:

For more information on municipalities:

To volunteer:





Eliane Boutros

Eliane Boutros


News updated

·          بلدتي : الجمهورية اللبنانية الالكترونية

           Saradar Training at SITP Chekka

           Blog for Lebanese civil society development

           Proclamation des 7 merveilles naturelles du monde

           Deir El Qamar Festival



           Sunday July 27, join us for a hiking to "Arz El Qobayat"

Discussion of the week

        Give your opinion

Upcoming Events 

·         Baldati Summer Camp (20th jul - 30th Aug) check the program

         Baldati in Jbeil

         Kfardebian Natural Bridge Conference


Projects news

        Citizen Lebanon Newsletter-May 09 Issue


Countries Updated




 Villages Updated

·         Deir El Qamar



 Groups updated

·         High-Tech

·         LASIP

          Health Care



Albums updated

·         Hiking to Jabal El Kneisseh

          Baldati in Jbeil

·         LASIP

          Kfar nabrakh : Eid Mar Elias



         Baldati on MTV


Eliane Boutros

Eliane Boutros

News updated

·          بلدتي : الجمهورية اللبنانية الالكترونية


           Blog for Lebanese civil society development

           Les eaux du Liban se vident de leurs poissons

           Le cirque s'enseigne au Liban

           الطعون النيابية

           Beit Eddine Festival

           L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur


           Sunday July 19, join us for a hiking to "Ghabet Aamar"

Discussion of the week

        Ask the expert Maitre Ziad Baroud

Upcoming Events 

·         Baldati Summer Camp (20th jul - 30th Aug) check the program

         Akl w Eid Deir El Qamar

         Baldati intervention at Saradar ITP caravan in Chekka

         Kfardebian Natural Bridge Conference


Projects news

        Citizen Lebanon Newsletter-May 09 Issue


Countries Updated




 Villages Updated

·         Deir El Qamar



 Groups updated

·         E-Dialogue

·         Safadi Foundation USA

·         Kibarouna


Albums updated

·         Ehden

          Jabal Haramoun

·         Meeting Rotaract

          Broumana Akl w Eid

          Anti-Smoking ADS

          Baldati Telecenters

Eliane Boutros

Eliane Boutros

News updated

·          Liban : annee touristique par excellence

           Sauvegarde du pont naturel de Faqra

           Les NGO : quels acteurs sont-ils?

           Deir el Qamar festival

           Beit Eddine Festival

·          ماذا جرى قبل 50 عاماوفي 5 تموز؟


·         Friday July 10, Full moon Hiking to Barouk Forest

           Sunday July 12, join us for a hiking to "Jabal El Kneisseh"

Discussion of the week

        Ask the expert Maitre Ziad Baroud

       A message for Lebanon

Upcoming Events 

·         Baldati Summer Camp (20th jul - 30th Aug) check the program

         Atayeb Broummana

         Saradar ITP in Chekka


Projects news

Citizen Lebanon Newsletter-May 09 Issue

Countries Updated



 Villages Updated

·         Deir El Qamar

          Jdeidet Marjeyoun


 Groups updated

·         Healthy Food

·         Education

·         Kibarouna


Albums updated

·         Jdeidet Marjeyoun

          Grandparents Day

·         Only in Lebanon

          Hiking Karm El Mohr

          Hiking to Qornet El Sawda



Eliane Boutros

Eliane Boutros


·         Baldati 4x4 in action

·         Special Needs


·         Sunday 5, join us for a hiking “to Ornet el Sawda

Discussion of the week

        Ask the expert Maitre Ziad Baroud

       A message for Lebanon

Upcoming Events 

·         Baldati Summer Camp (20th jul - 30th Aug) coming soon.


Countries Updated


 Villages Updated

·         Terbol-Zahle



 Groups updated

·        Yasa

·        Education

·        Kibarouna



Albums updated

·         Grandparents Day

·         Only in Lebanon

          Hiking Karm El Mohr



News updated

·         We share our Happiness with you

           Gad Elmaleh ne fera pas rire les libanais

           Saad Hariri in few words

·          L'impact de la crise economique mondiale sur la securite alimentaire


Places updated

·         Mtein churchs-schools-places

·         road to mayfouq

·         baldati centre - elissar

·         baldati centre - mayfouq

Eliane Boutros

Eliane Boutros


News updated

·         لبنان الغنيّ بالمياه... يعطش

           La Conférence de Stockholm

·          Together we can make a difference



           Sunday 21, join us for a Rafting in Assi

 Discussion of the week


          Do you think we should appreciate our grandparents

Ask The Expert

        Maitre Ziad Baroud

Upcoming Events

·         Celebrate the “grandparents day” with Baldati

·         Baldati Summer Camp 09 (20th jul - 30th Aug) coming soon

.         Saradar IT Program with Baldati in Chekka

.         Book now for the SITP caravan in your village with Baldati

Countries Updated




Villages Updated

     ouadi Khaled)


Groups updated

- Kibarouna

- High-Tech

- Souk El Tayeb



Albums updated

- Karaz Hammana with Souk El Tayeb

- Baldati in AUT Tripoli

-  Ghbale Kesrouane

- Lebanon Old Gallery


Eliane Boutros

Eliane Boutros


·         Joe Hatem in baldati: read the interview 

·         Baldati on LBC

·         Baldati in Mteileb

·         Special Needs


·         Sunday 14, join us for a hiking “from Chebaa to Jabal el Cheikh

Discussion of the week

Ask the expert Maitre Ziad Baroud

Upcoming Events

·         Join us To Hammana Old Souk this sunday

·         Celebrate the “grandparents day” with Baldati

·         Baldati Summer Camp 09 (20th jul - 30th Aug) coming soon.


Countries Updated


 Villages Updated

·         (ouadi Khaled)


 Groups updated

·        (Eco-club)

·        (Culture)

·        (Elections)



Albums updated

·         Ghbale Kesrouane

·         Lebanon Old Gallery

          Baldati monitoring the elections 


News updated

·         Elections Monitoring

           Elections Results

·          Picasso Sketchbook Stolen From Paris Museum

·          Kyoto Protocol

Places updated

·         Mtein churchs-schools-places

·         road to mayfouq

·         baldati centre - elissar

·         baldati centre - mayfouq