Who is Charbel Nahas?

Name :  NAHAS Charbel 
Born In Beirut August 16th 1954
Nationality :  Lebanese
Married, 4 children 


2008 Participation in the preparation and management of the third "Inter-Lebanese Forum for Social and Economic Development" held by the EU Delegation with the Lebanese parties, about "Competition and SME's"
Project leader with the UNDP about strengtheneing the collaboration between the Iraqi Parliament and the Board of Supreme Audit
Project leader with Khatib and Alami on the Programming of public services in the city of Riyadh for the ArRiyadh Development Authority (ADA)
Participation in the preparation and management of the second "Inter-Lebanese Forum for Social and Economic Development" held by the EU Delegation with the Lebanese parties, about social policy choices

 "Review Study on the National Budget in Iraq", within the initiative of strengthening the capacities of the Iraqi parliament, with the UNDP

Project Manager for an Internet-based program for tourism information and trip planning with "Inma Association" for the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism (www.LebanonMaps.net)
Preparation of a "Fiscal Policy Note" on Syria for the World Bank
Participation in the preparation of the "Inter-Lebanese Forum for Social and Economic Development" held by the EU Delegation 
 Appraisal of damages due to Israeli attack on Lebanon in July-August 2006 for CDR

Assessment of the Master Plan and Urban Transport scheme of Jeddah
2005 - 2006
 Director of the Project team for the design of a “Public Investment Program” for Lebanon, in collaboration with Dar el Handasah and IAURIF
 Manager of the “Task Force for Fiscal and Economic Reform” constituted by the Prime Minister and including several Lebanese Ministries with the collaboration of the WB, the IMF and the EU.
 Socio-economic appraisal of the impact of the transformation of the commercial port of Tyre into a touristic port in support of the historical vocation with CDR and UNESCO
2003 - 2006
 Founding member and vice Chairman of the “Lebanese Economic Association”
2003 - 2004
 Main author of the report on the "Social Strategy for Lebanon" for the "Economic and Social Fund and the European Union with "Information International"
2002 - 2005
 Urban planning study of the upper area of the caza of Batroun (Tannourine, Kfour el Arbi, Hardine, Mazraat Bani Saab areas) with the General Directorate of Urban Planning
2002 - 2004
 Member of the managing team of the study of the “Schéma Directeur d’Aménagement du Territoire au Liban” (National Physical Master Plan) commissioned by the CDR to the joint venture of IAURIF and Dar el Handasah, as "transversal coordinator, in charge of Economy and Public Policies”

 Crop optimization and economic financial assessment of the irrigation scheme of the Khabur valley in Syria
2002 Member of the study team for the development of the old city of Jbail (Byblos) in the framework of the "Cultural Heritage Development" project, with the CDR and the World Bank.
 Comprehensive report to the Order of Architects and Engineers about financial risks and apprpriate directives for the management of the Order’s pension fund
 Member of the official commision supervising the Beirut Mass Transit System study carried by IBI-Harris (covering modal split, economic impact and operational guidelines for a mass transit system in Greater Beirut area)
Author of the report on the financial sector for the UNDP “National Human Development Report: Lebanon 2001-2002”
Head of an official commission for reviewing land and real-estate policies and fiscality in Lebanon
Main author of the methodological and institutional study on the economic promotion of the ”Cultural heritage in Lebanon”, on five cities (Tripoli, Jbail, Saida, Sour and Baalbek) with the CDR and the World Bank
Member of the study team for the promotion of the ”Cultural heritage in Jbail” with the CDR
 Financial and economic studies for the development of a neighbourhood in Mecca in the framework of an international design competition
Organization and coordiantion of a three-days international seminar on reforming urban planning in Lebanon, for the General Directorate of Urban Planning, Ministry of Public Works
Study for ESCWA on local finance and development
Prepartion of several macro-economic and sectoral reports for national and international organizations
Since 1999
 Private Research and Consulting firm, several economic and financial consultations
 Preparation of the “5-year fiscal reform program” for the Lebanese Government, including detailed assessment of the fiscal and economic situation and trends, design of a comprehensive financial and fiscal reform and projections of the impact of various alternatives
1992 - 2000
 Member of the Board of Directors of Société Générale Libano-Européenne de Banque (SGLEB).
1992 - 1999
 Founding member of the Studies Commission at the Lebanese Bankers’ Association
1991 - 1998
 Head of Development Division in SGLEB, in charge of the bank strategy and organization new banking products, in the retail and corporate fields, economic studies and marketing, assets and liabilities management, bank investments in Lebanon and in the region (Cyprus, Jordan and Syria).
1992 - 1994
 Designer of an interbank smart card system in Lebanon
1990 - 1999
 Supervisor of the Structured Finance Department and, as such, responsible for arranging several large scale locally and internationally syndicated financing operations (cellular phone operators, hotels, housing, real-estate development, agro-industries, etc..)
1989 - 1991
 Responsible of the “Secrétariat du Développement et du Contrôle de Gestion”, a common body to SOCIETE GENERALE LIBANO EUROPEENNE DE BANQUE (S.G.L.E.B.) and to SOCIETE GENERALE CYPRUS Ltd (G.C.C.), linked to the Chairman
 Project manager of a 3000 dwelling units development project for low and middle-income households jointly with the Ministry of Housing and Bouygues on five different sites in Lebanon
1987 - 1988
 Advisor to the Chairman of S.G.L.E.B., and as such, directly involved in the reorganization of the bank, the elaboration of its strategy and the implementation of new banking products
 Assistant General Manager of " AMLAK " S.A.L. a firm specialized in real estate development (structuring of operations, construction management, marketing).
 Member of the research team in M.A.L.T., a consulting firm in charge for the Council of Development and Reconstruction of a global sectoral study on education in Lebanon
1982 - 1986
 Head of General Studies Department in Oger-Liban and manager of the following projects:

Reinforcement of damaged buildings in Beirut and its suburbs after 1982 Israeli invasion.

Beirut down-town planning and reconstruction (a 4 millions m² program, managing a team of about 60 engineers, architects and economists, economic studies, programming, urban planning, transportation, roads and metro network, and urban design).

Housing project in Beirut Southern Suburb, including 4000 units
1979 - 1986
 Consultant with various international and Lebanese organizations, mainly :

With the United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia (UN-ECWA), study on the cement industry in the Middle East.
inquiry with 2000 households on the social and economic condition of the women and the children in Lebanon, (1980-1981).
Master Plan study for the town of Mukalla, capital of the Hadramawt province in Southern Yemen, in preparation of a loan file from the World Bank (1981-1982).
With various Lebanese consulting firms: feasibility studies for industrial projects economic analysis reports and socio-economic inquiries

1979 - 1980
 Consultant with the highway department in the Conseil Exécutif des Grands Projets, in charge of the technical supervision technique of the sites and the coordination with the World Bank


1979 - 1980
 In the Institute of Applied Sciences in the Lebanese University, course of micro-economics
1980 - 1988
 Professor in the Engineering Faculty in the Lebanese University:

Head of Civil Engineering Department (1981-1984).

Responsible of programs coordination (1980-1985).

Courses given: Applied economics, Urban planning, Mathematics, Structural analysis


1974 - 1976
 Ecole Polytechnique, Paris – Option in Economics
1976 - 1978
 Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris – Major: Transportation Infrastructures and Planning
1977 - 1979
 University of Paris -1, “Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies” in Urban Economics
1978 - 1980
 “Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales”, Paris – 3d cycle Doctorate in Social Anthropology


Arabic, French, English.


« Économie foncière et immobilière au Liban », Observatoire de Recherches sur Beyrouth et la Reconstruction, Lettre d’information N°12, 2000
« The birth of market, recomposition of the economic and human networks » (in Arabic) in ‘Asr en-Nahda, moukaddimat liberaliya lil-hadatha (The  Nahda period, liberal forewords to modernity) Fondation René Moawad Foundation and Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Beirut, 2000
« Quel modèle de croissance économique pour la prochaine décennie ? » in UNDP Conference on Linking economic growth and social development in Lebanon, UNDP, January 2000
« L’économie libanaise et ses déséquilibres », Monde arabe Maghreb-Machrek, Numéro spécial Trimestriel N°169, July-September 2000
« Financing urban development and municipal resources, in relation to migrations, urbanisation and poverty » (in Arabic), November 2000
« Au plan économique, comment produire, partager, préserver ? », in «Actes du Colloque : Les valeurs, quels enjeux pour le 3ème millénaire ?», Beirut, November 2001
« Role of economic factors in change » (in arabic) in Tajdid al-fikr as-siyassi min ajli-t-taghyir (Renewal of political thought for change), Editions of the Cultural Council for South Lebanon, 2001>
« The financial sector and the crisis of development » in “Globalization : Towards a Lebanese agenda”, National Human Development Report: Lebanon 2001-2002, UNDP, Beirut, July 2002
« Chances to avoid crisis and conditions to overcome it, Account of an attempt to reform » (in Arabic), Dar An-Nahar, August 2003
« Un programme socio-économique pour le Liban », (in French and Arabic), Lebanese Centre for Policy Studies, March 2006
« Exploring Lebanon's Growth Prospects », (with Jean-Claude Berthelemy and Sebastien Dessus), Policy Research Working Paper 4332, The World Bank, August 2007
« Migration and Education Decisions in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Framework”, (with Sebastien Dessus), Policy Research Working Paper 4775, The World Bank, November 2008

Reference: Tayyar.Org