
1-      Project title


Baldati internet café


2-      Objectives

-          Introducing the virtual communication space as a regional media tool and as a tool for rural development.

-          Clarifying the concept of ICT4D through live application and continuous training over the internet

-          Promoting the development role played by the internet technology.


3-      Project Description

Baldati activities will be focused on showing the multiple applications that a virtual cyberspace offers to promote and develop Lebanese villages.



4-      Briefly describe the development of the chosen activity 

4.1  Expositions :

-          Posters and brochures of all completed and ongoing projects of Baldati.

-          Ongoing Projections (power point presentation and pictures).

-          Hiking and outdoor activities equipment.

-          Baldati Promotional items.

4.2  Workshop

-          Online participation in discussions as well as Live moderated youth discussion group every day about topics :


Rural development

Biodiversity conservation through ecotourism

4.3  Practical demonstration :

-          Practical application on managing a community on (assisted by trained personnel onsite).

-          Case study, organizing an event and promoting it online, A hiking trip.

-          People visiting the Baldati stand will be invited to join a hiking trip through flyers as announcements and live registration on where they will receive invitations directly in their inboxes or online.