

Scientific Research Foundation - SRF

The Scientific Research Foundation- SRF is a non-governmental organization specialized in the promotion of occupational and food safety, violence and injury prevention and in managing development projects in rural areas. SRF headquarter is based in Zouk Mosbeh (Mount Lebanon), and has many interventions in different casas especially in Tyre Casa, where it has offices in Alma Chaab.

SRF was officially established, in 1997 by many university students who believed that actions for safety promotion and development in Lebanon could be highly effective in launching, orienting, and monitoring development projects. SRF had also been involved in many public awareness campaigns.

Since 1998, SRF built sustainable and extensive cooperation with many municipalities and with many international organizations which are concerned with health, occupational and food safety promotion such as the World Health Organization

(WHO), the International Labor Organization ( ILO)…
SRF has also solid partnerships with many syndicates and NGOs such as:

The Lebanese Fire Prevention Committee (LFPC), the Lebanese Association for Sport Injury Prevention (LASIP), the syndicate for professional nurseries, Child of Lebanon and more.