

Join Our Baldati Green Schools

Lebanon as we all know is famous for its academic institutions from entry level to senior level education. Here you could know everything you wish for on schools. You could retrieve a school’s address, phone number, and most significant activities and accomplishments.

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Baldati Green Schools Program

Under our Baldati Green City Program and the waste management section we started our initiative 
the aim is to make from recycling a permanent culture and a sustainable program what ever the solutions provided by local authorities and central government.
Our Baldati Green Schools program aims to introduce Baldati Green Cities program to the schools' community as a community service program designed by phases:
  1. General Introduction of the Baldati Green programs and focus on for this year
  2. Select a steering comity among students to lead and manage the program in the school with the supervision of the administration and the backup of Baldati.
  3. Adopt Nafroz recycling program in the school
  4. post and enrich the school page content on to share with other schools and citizens
  5. Spread the Nafroz culture among parents and students communities 
  6. the school will offer a recycling station for the neighborhood 
  7. with the collaboration of the science clubs , elaborate a recycling plant in the school ( 50 sqm will be more then enough)  to transform the recyclables into useful raw materials , ready to be sold to factories to generate some income and make the program sustainable.