

Baldati Academy


Providing our stakeholders with an education is unquestionably the least and best we can give to help their path to a prosperous future. With Baldati Academy, Baldati will be their companion to easing every step of the path to community, self and future development.

Baldati Academy was created to train and assign coordinators to join us and hand in hand work for community development and a brighter future...


Baldati academy is an E-learning program on that is created and being promoted to support the educational system in the region and the individuals eager to education and knowledge.

This program is a type of education where the medium of instruction is computer technology.The idea here is that participants may engage in the exchange of information without the dependency of other participants’ involvement at the same time. Lessons are intended to provide free and accessible distance learning in the region via the internet. The aim here is to provide people unable to attend organized training courses with a method of learning which is more engaging than just reading books and papers and also encourages reflection and follow-up actions. The lesson themes are often structured around a story and include a variety of quizzes, reflective questions and calculations to encourage the user to think innovatively and creatively.

Join, learn and be competent….




To enroll And Teach or take the course of your interrest go to:




Baldati Academy


جامعتي في بلدتي 

هذا البرنامج هو نوع جديد من التعلم حيث تكون تكنولوجيا الحاسوب وسيلة للتحصيل العلمي. الفكرة هنا تتمحور حول انخراط الأفراد بعملية تبادل المعلومات دون الحاجة الى وجود مشاركين آخرين في نفس الوقت. تهدف الدروس الى تأمين تعليم مجاني عن بعد بواسطة الانترنت، لتمكين الأفراد الذين لا يستطيعون حضور دروس تدريبية من التعلم بطريقة تتطلب اكثر من مجرد قراءة كتاب أو عدة أوراق بل تفعل عملية التفكير النقدي البناء وملاحقة العمل.

مواضيع الدروس مبنية حول معطيات وتتضمن عدة اختبارات وأسئلة وحسابات للبحث هدفها تشجيع مستعملها على التفكير بشكل بناء متجدد.

بلدتي اكاديمي برنامج مجاني موجه لكافة الجهات المهتمة... انضم، تعلم وكن كفوء...



 As Baldati promised, we delivered 5 workshops along 5 Succeeding weeks along 2 days each taking on political sciences, Information technology, NGO and Journalism courses that all participants went through and reported quizzes on.

These workshops were intended to those coordinators to introduce to them the power of journalim, politics and IT in the civil society & Baldati.....

Workshops Stats 13-14/ 20-21/ 26-27 sept & 4-5/11-12 Oct 2008:

Participants From:


Mount Lebanon:














Max Age


Min Age


Age Average:



Baldati organized; on Tuesday 22nd of October at UNESCO palace; the final ceremony of Baldati Academy -I- project that aims to provide opportunities to Lebanese and all nationalities to participate in the society’s projects and activities on through simple yet advanced courses concerning journalism, IT, political sciences and NGO.

The ceremony was under the patronage of Dr. Tarek Mitry, minister of information.

Many of our supporters and partners were attending the ceremony as there was USAID representative Mrs. Denise Herbol, Colonel Majed Carameh representing the Lebanese army and many more of Baldati’s family.

Certificates were distributed to the successful participants who were part in the precedent workshops and selected according to their resume.


Five of them were chosen by Baldati jury supported by their grades in each course, their involvement and work on the website and finally their commitment and group work in the workshops.

Those winners received a Baldati/USAID award in addition to a digital camera each.


كارولين ضاهر - محافظة جبل لبنان

عاصي أبي نادر -  محافظة الشمال

بلال عرفان -  محافظة البقاع

كريستال حمصي -  محافظة بيروت

سارج كوشانيان -  محافظة الجنوب



Good work for all who took part in this program and good luck for all………..

Looking forward to seeing you in Baldati Academy -II-………


for more info contact the project manager: or