Vision of the Green Party of Lebanon:
Lebanon is an inherited national treasure, protected by a modern secular state that adopts sustainable development in all of its social politics.
Mission of the Green Party of Lebanon:
The Party sees environmental issues and the management of resources as a critical cause and a cornerstone for Lebanon's future and longevity.
Identity of the Green Party of Lebanon:
The Green Party of Lebanon is an environmental, developmental, secular, democratic and modern party endeavoring for Lebanon to remain an inherited national treasure, protected by a modern secular state that adopts sustainable development in all its economic and social policies.
The Party sees environmental issues and the management of resources as a critical cause and a cornerstone for Lebanon's future and longevity.
The Party sees that "Earth has no sect" and that all Lebanese men and women, children and elderly are responsible for preserving their inherited legacy.
The Party includes members from all Lebanese regions, both residents and expatriates, representing various movements, affiliations and denominations sharing the Party's principles and ideals as their common ground.
Why is the Green Party of Lebanon a National Necessity?
The Party is a national necessity for Lebanon and its citizens to stay.
the Party is a national necessity so that nature and the health of the future generations are protected and to stop environmental degradation and repair what is repairable.
The Party is a national necessity to revitalize and prioritize environmental awareness.
The Party is a national necessity to keep a watchful eye over the Ministry of Environment to support it and hold it accountable and to do the same with other governments and ministries working on environmental issues.
The Party is a necessity so that Lebanon will have sustainable developmental and environmental policies; so that environmental concerns become an integral part of political programs of parties; and to energize the role of environmental NGOs and improve their performance.
The Party is a national necessity to jumpstart the environmental press and accompany global environmental progress.
Mission and Roles of the Green Party of Lebanon:
I. Detect and publicize environmental problems and lobby to:
a. Render environmental issues a priority for politicians;
b. Promote appropriate options and shed light on the economic and social costs of environmental degradation;
c. Implement the law of Environment Impact Assessment in all construction, industrial and economic projects; and
d. Guide public policy in the direction of sustainable development and the modernization of environmental legislation and laws.
II. Support and hold accountable the Ministry of Environment and other institutions and ministries working on environmental issues to ensure proper performance and to back them up in implementing sound decisions.
III. Promote the Party as a reference on scientific and political environmental issues for legislative and monitoring work through cooperation with scientific observatories and centers and work with experts.
IV. Promote the development of an environmental press to disseminate environmental awareness and knowledge with the Lebanese public and shape to public opinion friendly to the environment and effective against green violations. The Party endeavors to provide trusted information to the media through networks of cooperation and communication with environmental observatories and specialized scientific agencies and to launch advertising campaigns identifying problems and providing solutions.
V. Detect infringements, violations and shortcomings on environmental issues.
VI. Leverage the use of natural resources and emphasize their scarcity.
VII. Stay abreast with environmental issues in the Arabic region and the West so as to become an active member of the global network of Green parties.
VIII. Take positions and initiatives in sync with the Party’s principles.
One: The Oneness of Man and Nature
the Green Party of Lebanon believes that man and nature are inextricably linked and share a common future on this planet. The Party supports human modernity on condition that it leverages the exploitation of limited natural resources and does not upset the balance of natural system whereas future generations will enjoy a healthy environment and a proud inherited legacy.
Two: Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is the improvement of the quality of human life through the rational and insightful exploitation of environmental resources. The Party believes that real development and modernization reside in people’s conscience and in the availability of a wide variety of choices that do not exclusively result from technological and economic progress. The resources available on this planet are limited hence, boundless economic consumption damages life on earth; to this end the use of resources should be leveraged and the reliance on alternative energy increased.
Three: Respect for Diversity and Difference
The Party believes in the richness of diversity and the right to be different. The Party respects political, cultural, religious, ethnic and gender diversity and endeavors to improve interaction and dialogue. The Party also endeavors to understand the peculiarities of diversity and difference.
Four: Equal Rights and Duties for Men and Women
The Party believes in the central role of women in politics and public and encourages women to prove themselves and their abilities in politics by joining the Party to straddle its causes and assume the highest responsibilities.
Five: Democracy, Freedoms and Human Rights
The Party believes in a democratic system that fosters human rights and guarantees personal and public freedoms. The Party endeavors to render the people as the source of all powers by providing ample opportunities of empowerment. The Party seeks a modern electoral law with proportional representation that promotes the principles of fairness and equality between citizens and allows youth and women the opportunity to take part in the core of political life in Lebanon.
Six: Modern State and Citizenship The Party endeavors to found the pillars of a modern state in Lebanon by extracting sectarianism from political texts and from people’s minds and by adopting secularism and the respect for religious beliefs while promoting citizenship. The Party believes in a state with integrity free of corruption and bribery and in the capacity of Lebanese society to advance a system based on accountability, monitoring and transparency.
Seven: Sound Administrative Decentralization The Party believes in a modern and sound administrative decentralization system where people at the local level are able to make decisions on issues affecting their daily lives and in a way that they can utilize natural resources and protecting the cultural legacy. Eight: A free and Orderly Economic System
The Party believes in a free economic system where the modernization of society, promoting individual entrepreneurship and a defined role of the state are its main objectives. The Party recognizes the importance of thoughtful economic planning to promote new, income generating productions in rural areas; protecting manual labor; preventing monopoly; and a taxation policy that protects low-income citizens. The Party endeavors to leverage public spending; the biggest waste and largest debt are environmental. Nine: Nonviolence
The Party believes in life and world peace; in a land free of weapons of mass destruction; and in limiting ownership and abuse of arms. The Party apposes all forms of violence, terrorism and wars; and all forms of intimidation and domination wherever they came from and irrespective against whom they are practiced. The Party prefers dialogue and negotiation and promotes nonviolent and peaceful means of conflict resolution. Ten: Openness and International Cooperation The Party sees Lebanon’s relationship with its Arabs neighbors as voluntary, open to modern trends and based on good neighborliness. Lebanon is a vital nation in the international system especially in the Mediterranean basin, abiding by international conventions and the respect of sovereignty and independence of each country. The Party believes in positive nonalignment and rejects political axes. The Party supports all countries that respect human rights and the principles of environmental protection and respect Lebanon’s freedom and independence.